
Insider's Holiday Sale

Insider’s Holiday Sale 2020


Insider’s Holiday Sales

2020 was an interesting time for everyone, including Insider. For their holiday discount promotion, we promoted two different offers through email, display ads, and organic social. These campaigns had to look visually distinctive while keeping to Insider’s existing brand voice.

I was tasked with coming up with the aesthetics and visual concept of the campaign. At the time, Insider was leveraging a lot of black and white photos with a spot color treatment. This became a running theme through many different campaigns, but the Gifting Sale is my favorite iteration.

We also used this as an opportunity to test out a countdown timer to see if it would encourage a higher CTR. Working with Operations team, we learned how to properly design, build, and run a third-party tool. Ultimately we found this timer did not move the needle enough, but the exercise helped us better understand when to harness urgency and how.

Role: Art Direction, design, graphicS, emAIL layouts